PLEASE NOTE: Funds received from legacy gifts will be invested in Saint Sophia’s permanent Endowment Fund unless the donor chooses to direct their gift to another parish need.* The Endowment Fund was established to secure and strengthen Saint Sophia's ministry in perpetuity. It is overseen by the Endowment Committee and its investments are managed by a professional portfolio manager. The Fund is structured so that its principle will always remain intact and only a percentage of its annual interest/earnings is distributed to the parish each year.
*Donors wishing to direct their gift to another purpose should consult with the Presiding Priest or Parish Council, prior to designating their gift, to ensure that the intention of their gift is consistent with the mission, goals, and strategic plan of Saint Sophia and can be honored. In the interest of both parties, Legacy gifts designated for a purpose other than the Saint Sophia Endowment Fund should be agreed upon in writing in advance.
** We encourage you to consult with your professional advisers on how a legacy gift would fit into your overall plans.